
Friday, March 27, 2020

Sky Tower,Home Learning

For the home learning tasks.We got given a task about the sky tower. We wrote a list of 5 facts about the Sky Tower. For our second activity we created a new mascot for the Sky Tower and write information about our mascot.For our last activity we chose an activity we could do at the Sky Tower and wrote down why we chose it, what it is and how much it would cost to do that activity. I completed this task liletina.


  1. Greetings Liletina,

    I have noticed that you have created a blog-post on The Sky Tower. Great job! I did not knw that tit weighed 21 millionn kgs. Maybe try to attribute your images to give credit to the person who took the image.

    Have you ever been to the Sky Tower?

    Keep up the Good Work!

    - Sulia

    1. Hi Sulia
      Thanks for commenting on my blog. Yes next time I should attribute photos
      Yes I have been up the Sky tower.
