L.I To make Frames so we can sell it.
We made Frames my frame was Christmas theme on my small Frame I making a Valentines Theme.
We had to make it digtal and them make it. Our Teacher made frames for us to use.
I learned hot to decorator our frame to sell it.
I had a lot of fun making this.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Kiwi Sport
L.I: To play doubles tennis
Doubles tennis is when two player on against another two player.
Both player on each team should have turns at waiting the ball.
The person closer to the ball should hit the ball. We practised by
playing doubles.
Doubles tennis is when two player on against another two player.
Both player on each team should have turns at waiting the ball.
The person closer to the ball should hit the ball. We practised by
playing doubles.
kiwi sport,
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Kiwi Can / Respect
L.I To respect others for their Differences
We learned in kiwi that everyone has their own Beliefs Ideas and customs.We Learned to hold our tongue. Hold Our tongue means to think before saying what we want to say. We also learned about other cultures,Religions and Customs.
The Activity that helped us know more about our cultures,Religions and Customs. We played Spot the difference. We had to get into pairs one person had to turn around the other side and the other person has to change something and the person that turning around has to sport the difference.
I learned from the game is how to be respectful, observant and be confident.
We learned in kiwi that everyone has their own Beliefs Ideas and customs.We Learned to hold our tongue. Hold Our tongue means to think before saying what we want to say. We also learned about other cultures,Religions and Customs.
The Activity that helped us know more about our cultures,Religions and Customs. We played Spot the difference. We had to get into pairs one person had to turn around the other side and the other person has to change something and the person that turning around has to sport the difference.
I learned from the game is how to be respectful, observant and be confident.
Monday, November 25, 2019
L.I To comment On someone work and give them feedback.
This week I wanted to comment on Jaylee Work I commented on her Tamaki Primary Movie Comment I wanted her to give more feed back to tamki primary and to write more on her blurb so the reader knows what she saying.
This week I wanted to comment on Jaylee Work I commented on her Tamaki Primary Movie Comment I wanted her to give more feed back to tamki primary and to write more on her blurb so the reader knows what she saying.
Basic Facts
L.I To remember My Basic Facts.
This week for Basic facts I had 3 minters and 15 seconds.
I did speed demon up to 10 because I think that I have not been practice. I had 3 minters ad 15 seconeds and I got 3 questions wrong.
This week for Basic facts I had 3 minters and 15 seconds.
I did speed demon up to 10 because I think that I have not been practice. I had 3 minters ad 15 seconeds and I got 3 questions wrong.
Basic Facts
SSR Selfie
L.I To read the book and find new things about the book.
For SSR Selfie I picked the book called art book i picked this book because I really enjoy doing art and other things. I learned a lot of famous artist and some facts about them.
For SSR Selfie I picked the book called art book i picked this book because I really enjoy doing art and other things. I learned a lot of famous artist and some facts about them.
SSR selfie
Last Week for writing we had to comment on our describing.We to make describing comment about the picture I picked the mesy room picture. I learned how to make a describing comment.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Tennis/Kiwi Sport
L.I To learn how to hit the ball for next week.
This week for tennis we learned hot to play mini games with each other. I played a game agensit Ong and Luchka vs Me and Alayha. We played 4 game's and we learned 4 skills about how to play tennis.
Next week we will be learning to play mini game agensit each other.
This week for tennis we learned hot to play mini games with each other. I played a game agensit Ong and Luchka vs Me and Alayha. We played 4 game's and we learned 4 skills about how to play tennis.
Next week we will be learning to play mini game agensit each other.
Tennis/Kiwi Sport
Coffee Shop/Inquiry
L.I To make 14 screen shots and 1 screen casting.#
This week for Inquiry we had to make 14 screen shots about how I play coffee shop. I had to make 14 screen shots at end that helps us with what we need to learn.
I learned how to play Coffee shop.
Coffee Shop/Inquiry
Reading/News Paper
L.I To make are new's Paper about a topic.
I made a new's paper about a Witch on the loose! . I made 4 small paragraphs about how you can recognize and what witch's do. My news paper is about witch.
I Learned how to make a new paper with a Inforgrafic.
I made a new's paper about a Witch on the loose! . I made 4 small paragraphs about how you can recognize and what witch's do. My news paper is about witch.
I Learned how to make a new paper with a Inforgrafic.
Reading/News Paper
Airplane/Time / Measure / Maths
L.I To measure and time the airplane.
This week for maths we had to measure and time the airplane. My Prediction was
I think my airplane would be in the air for 10 seconds/My airplane will go 1 meter away.
My Prediction was Incorrect because my Airplane went further then 1 meter.
We made 3 Graphs one was Distance,Timer and Distance and timer.
I learned how to make a origami airplane(Turbo Twisters)

This week for maths we had to measure and time the airplane. My Prediction was
I think my airplane would be in the air for 10 seconds/My airplane will go 1 meter away.
Why: It would be in the air for 10 seconds because the wingspan is 15 cm. It would fly two meters because the airplane only spins.
My prediction was Incorrect because my airplane flew 6 seconds and not 10 seconds.My Airplane stayed in the air less then 10 seconds.My Prediction was Incorrect because my Airplane went further then 1 meter.
We made 3 Graphs one was Distance,Timer and Distance and timer.
I learned how to make a origami airplane(Turbo Twisters)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I To not cheat to be patient.
This week for kiwi can we learned to be patient in one for the game we had to be patient this game is outside game so one person has squash there hand on your shoulder when you feel it you have do to a another person in a line.The other game was called Grab it So you have to be with partner and put one finger on there hand then the other hand the person has to put there finger on your hand and when say go grab there finger and move your finger.
This week for kiwi can we learned to be patient in one for the game we had to be patient this game is outside game so one person has squash there hand on your shoulder when you feel it you have do to a another person in a line.The other game was called Grab it So you have to be with partner and put one finger on there hand then the other hand the person has to put there finger on your hand and when say go grab there finger and move your finger.
Kiwi Can Patient
Wiki Ono/English or Maori
L.I To find the English meaning for the Maori word.
This Week for for Maori we learned how to do a Po'e Our Maori teacher told us some skill. Some Skills were also fun to learn here one make you po'e touch you shoulder then touch you lap then touch your other shoulder like a criss cross.
Then we had to get into our groups my groups name is called Chru Bro We had to find the English way for Maori as example for Runga it above.
This Week for for Maori we learned how to do a Po'e Our Maori teacher told us some skill. Some Skills were also fun to learn here one make you po'e touch you shoulder then touch you lap then touch your other shoulder like a criss cross.
Then we had to get into our groups my groups name is called Chru Bro We had to find the English way for Maori as example for Runga it above.
Wiki Ono/English or Maori
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Basic Facts Boxes.
L.I To remember my basic facts boxes.
This week for basic facts I did speed demon up to 10 I had 4 minutes and 39 seconds maybe next time I can get are faster timer as example 3 or 2 minters and 22 seconds maybe . I learnt how to remember my basic facts boxes. How I learnt is by Practicing and Practicing.
This week for basic facts I did speed demon up to 10 I had 4 minutes and 39 seconds maybe next time I can get are faster timer as example 3 or 2 minters and 22 seconds maybe . I learnt how to remember my basic facts boxes. How I learnt is by Practicing and Practicing.
Kiwi Sport/Tennis
L.I To learn how to throw the ball in the air and to do outer tennis skills.
This week for kiwi sport we learned how to throw the ball in the air. We used the tack nick the tack nick was to use the shot put way for that game we had to throw the ball the shot put and make the ball touch or land on the cone if it touch or lands on the cone it a point.
We also played a game where your Partners and yourself hit the ball to each other with there racket.
I learned how to do different skills.
This week for kiwi sport we learned how to throw the ball in the air. We used the tack nick the tack nick was to use the shot put way for that game we had to throw the ball the shot put and make the ball touch or land on the cone if it touch or lands on the cone it a point.
We also played a game where your Partners and yourself hit the ball to each other with there racket.
I learned how to do different skills.

Kiwi Sport/Tennis
Writing/Speech Marks
L.I To Learn to write speech marks in the three little pigs.
For Writing we had to put Speech marks in our story as example "Just Do it!" Yelled Mr Wong. We had to go on our three little pigs and had to find the speech that the big bad wolf said and the 3 main pigs said.
I learned where to put my speech marks.'
(The Sentences that are High Lighted are the speech marks)
For Writing we had to put Speech marks in our story as example "Just Do it!" Yelled Mr Wong. We had to go on our three little pigs and had to find the speech that the big bad wolf said and the 3 main pigs said.
I learned where to put my speech marks.'
(The Sentences that are High Lighted are the speech marks)
T- The Three smelly amazing little pigs
-In a sunny windy day there were three amazing and smelly little pigs named
Shiaye,RJ and Leroy and the big smelly grumpy mommy pig name is liletina./Helper.
Shiaye,RJ and Leroy and the big smelly grumpy mommy pig name is liletina./Helper.
Shinaye found a man called Chris and Shinaye asked “Chris can I use some straws to build her house.”
Rj-Went into the woods to gather some stick to build a house.
Leroy the strong and smart pig made his house out of bricks.
Shinaye finished building her house,she was making noodles until she heard Knock Knock on her door.
The Wolf said angrly” if you don’t let me in I will huff and puff your house down!.”
The wolf counted to 3 and Shinaye said no.
Then the big fat hairy smelly wolf huffed and puffed shinayes house down
Then Shinaye had ran to RJ's house on a rainy day.
Shinaye had said to RJ with a terrified voice “that there is a big grumpy wolf that want to eat me.”
Shinaye said with a deep voice” here he comes”
The big bad smelly wolf Screamed ‘if you don’t let me in I will huff and puff your house.”
But RJ and Shinaye said “no” so then the The big bad smelly wolf huffed and puffed.
Then RJ house broke down and RJ and Shinaye ran as fast like a flash.
Shinaye and Rj said with Gravelly voice “the wolf is coming oh no!”
Rj said with Scared voice. “Here he comes”.
”The big bad Wolfs Huffs puffs and could not blow the bricks down.
He went up the roof and fell into the trinmany.
Writing/Speech Marks
Michel/Don't Waste Food Inquiry
L.I To learn how to not don't waste food.
This Week for Inquiry one of our teacher friends came to our class and talked about how she got her business and her story. She has made a App for people that waste food she has told the class some facts. Her app is called food print and she told us how she got the logo. She was class mate with my teacher in Primary.
Her name is called Michel,
I learned from her is to not waste food.
How I learned by listing to what she telling us about her life.
Here is are some facts that Michel has told us.
1-20 million loaves of bread wasted in NZ a year,
2-1/3 of food produced is wasted every year... 1.3 billion tonnes of food
3-250 cafes supply the food to meet customer demand
Here 2 things about food Print.
1-Food print is an app to provide food at lower prices instead of wasting oversupply when demand has decreased
2-Food Print is a social enterprise to help people, business and the planet - is about the carbon footprint of food
Here is are Ad for food print
This Week for Inquiry one of our teacher friends came to our class and talked about how she got her business and her story. She has made a App for people that waste food she has told the class some facts. Her app is called food print and she told us how she got the logo. She was class mate with my teacher in Primary.
Her name is called Michel,
I learned from her is to not waste food.
How I learned by listing to what she telling us about her life.
Here is are some facts that Michel has told us.
1-20 million loaves of bread wasted in NZ a year,
2-1/3 of food produced is wasted every year... 1.3 billion tonnes of food
3-250 cafes supply the food to meet customer demand
Here 2 things about food Print.
1-Food print is an app to provide food at lower prices instead of wasting oversupply when demand has decreased
2-Food Print is a social enterprise to help people, business and the planet - is about the carbon footprint of food
Here is are Ad for food print
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Kiwi Can / Contaminate
L.I To learn how contaminate.
This week for kiwi can we learned how to contaminate with each other our kiwi can teacher ask why and how why so we can have weeding or birthdays parties.
We played two game the two game were called Maths-Get the Cone
Get the cone was my favorite game because it get to dance and when pause the song I have to grab the cone before the other person.
This week for kiwi can we learned how to contaminate with each other our kiwi can teacher ask why and how why so we can have weeding or birthdays parties.
We played two game the two game were called Maths-Get the Cone
Get the cone was my favorite game because it get to dance and when pause the song I have to grab the cone before the other person.
kiwi can
Manakalani Film Festival/2019
I commented on Tamaki Collage Kolo Story I really liked it he has a great voice I think he should go to the X Factor I really like how he told the people that watching his vidoe where he was born and how he got is singing.
Moari.No He Koe,Ataata
L.I To learn how to translate the words into English and add Macrons.
This week for Maori we had to tasks to do. There both the same but one you have to ask members from your group. The Other one you have to add Macrons and find the meaning for that word.
I learned how to do our maori task.
How I learned by using google trans let.
This week for Maori we had to tasks to do. There both the same but one you have to ask members from your group. The Other one you have to add Macrons and find the meaning for that word.
I learned how to do our maori task.
How I learned by using google trans let.
Moari.No He Koe
2019 Manaiakalni Film Festival
I watched a Video from Tamaki Primary school. It was a Manaiakalni Film Festival. I like how there showed on the video what they do when they finishing play a game like rugby,
I learned how to comment on other people blog.
How I learned by looking at video and find out things about Tamaki Primary.
If you want to look at some video here is a link to the website.-Film Festival-Website
I learned how to comment on other people blog.
How I learned by looking at video and find out things about Tamaki Primary.
If you want to look at some video here is a link to the website.-Film Festival-Website
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
10 Words and 5 Meanings/Reading
L.I To find 10 words that I don't know and write the 5 meaning,
This Week I picked 10 words and I had pick 5 words and find the meaning. Some words that I picked I don't know and some my friends did not know the meaning of those words.
I learned how to find 10 words in the book.
How I learned by using google to find the meaning
This Week I picked 10 words and I had pick 5 words and find the meaning. Some words that I picked I don't know and some my friends did not know the meaning of those words.
I learned how to find 10 words in the book.
How I learned by using google to find the meaning
Turbo Dart/Maths
L.I To Make a Air Plane.
This Week for maths we had to make a Air Plane with paper we had to make a air plane with origami. We Picked Turbo Dart.The Point of Turbo Dart is when it flies it has to spin.
Next Week we will be measuring,Time and Distance also Graph.
Here a Introductions.
1-Fold the two sides in half then unfold it.
2-Fold the left top and bottom corners to meet the crease.
3-Fold the point over.
4-Fold the top layer to the left edge.
5-Flip the paper over.
6-Fold the left top and the bottom corners in to meet the middle.
7-Flip the paper over again.
8- Fold the left point over.
9-Fold the paper in half bottom to top.
10-Fold the top down with the aligen with the bottom edge Repeat it with the there side.'
This Week for maths we had to make a Air Plane with paper we had to make a air plane with origami. We Picked Turbo Dart.The Point of Turbo Dart is when it flies it has to spin.
Next Week we will be measuring,Time and Distance also Graph.
Here a Introductions.
1-Fold the two sides in half then unfold it.
2-Fold the left top and bottom corners to meet the crease.
3-Fold the point over.
4-Fold the top layer to the left edge.
5-Flip the paper over.
6-Fold the left top and the bottom corners in to meet the middle.
7-Flip the paper over again.
8- Fold the left point over.
9-Fold the paper in half bottom to top.
10-Fold the top down with the aligen with the bottom edge Repeat it with the there side.'
Turbo Dart/Maths Air Plane
Friday, November 8, 2019
Basic Facts Boxes
L.I To remember my basic facts boxes.
This week for Basic fact boxes I did speed demon up to 5 I had one minter and 25 seconed.
I and proud that I can get less then 30 seconds and less then 2 minters. I learned how to do my basic facts boxs.
How I learned by if I get wrong It ok.
SSR Selfie /The Whitchs
L.I-to summaries and retell a text.
This week I picked the book called the Whitchs.
I picked this book because it has hooked my attention.
I really like this book because I find new things about the witchs,
This week I picked the book called the Whitchs.
I picked this book because it has hooked my attention.
I really like this book because I find new things about the witchs,
SSR Selfie /The Whitchs
Inquiry/Supply you demand Game/
L.I To learn how play a game.
For Inquiry we played a game called I supply you demand. This game helps us with maths. We had to make more money in our groups in my group I had Mote,Alayha and me.
We made 82$ for all the rounds.
I learned how to play the game.
How I learned by playing the game and just knowing how to play the game step by step.
For Inquiry we played a game called I supply you demand. This game helps us with maths. We had to make more money in our groups in my group I had Mote,Alayha and me.
We made 82$ for all the rounds.
I learned how to play the game.
How I learned by playing the game and just knowing how to play the game step by step.
Reading/Character Web
L.I To write down there emotions,Look,Personality and Act likes.
For Reading we had to pick a character and find out there emotions,Look,Personality and Act likes.
I picked the grand high witch I found out that her emotions is Scary.
I learned new things about the grand high which.
How I learned by looking at her selfie and thinking if she is evil or good.
For Reading we had to pick a character and find out there emotions,Look,Personality and Act likes.
I picked the grand high witch I found out that her emotions is Scary.
I learned new things about the grand high which.
How I learned by looking at her selfie and thinking if she is evil or good.
Reading/Character Web
Kiwi Sport.Tennis
L.I To learn how to hit the ball when it comes.
This week for Kiwi Sport we learned how to hit the ball.
There were different skills the three different skills is put the ball on net when it drops you can hit the ball to the other preson or just hit the ball.
We also had to play game we have to hit ball with our bracket. We had to see how many times we can hit the bracket.
Me and my partner had 19 hits.
This week for Kiwi Sport we learned how to hit the ball.
There were different skills the three different skills is put the ball on net when it drops you can hit the ball to the other preson or just hit the ball.
We also had to play game we have to hit ball with our bracket. We had to see how many times we can hit the bracket.
Me and my partner had 19 hits.
Kiwi Sport.Tennis
L.I To make a Graph and a tally chart.
This week for maths we had to make a question to ask the class. My Question was How many people in LS1 has a Favorite Pet.
Options-Dog,Cat,Fish,Lizard,Lion and Other.
I found out that:
I learned how to make a tally chart and Graph.
This week for maths we had to make a question to ask the class. My Question was How many people in LS1 has a Favorite Pet.
Options-Dog,Cat,Fish,Lizard,Lion and Other.
I found out that:
I found out that the most favorite pet in LS1 is a Dog
| ||||
I found out the second most favorite pet is Other
| ||||
I found out 20 people in LS1 favorite pet is a Dog
I learned how to make a tally chart and Graph.
Maths Name/Chocies,
Tally Chart
L.I To play agents other schools
We played agensits other schools. I learned by catching the ball having fun.
Here are some of matches
Year 6 A(My Team)
Panmure vs Tamaki Primary
Panmure vs Pt England 2
Panmure vs Panmure Drisrt
Panmure vs Glen Bre
We played agensit Pt England 1 they beat us we came seconed place we a still happy with place we came.
We played agensits other schools. I learned by catching the ball having fun.
Here are some of matches
Year 6 A(My Team)
Panmure vs Tamaki Primary
Panmure vs Pt England 2
Panmure vs Panmure Drisrt
Panmure vs Glen Bre
We played agensit Pt England 1 they beat us we came seconed place we a still happy with place we came.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Kiwi Can
L.I To learn about new things and new facts.
For Kiwi Can we played two games the games were called Rock Paper Sizzers. We had to play ageists someone if you lose you to play someone on there knees so if I was out I have to go on my knees.
For the next game we had to get in groups we got an animaal our animal was a pig we had to say a chase phrase out chase phrase was called piggy piggy onk onk piggy piggy onk onk onk.
I learned how to play games .
How I learned by having fun.
For Kiwi Can we played two games the games were called Rock Paper Sizzers. We had to play ageists someone if you lose you to play someone on there knees so if I was out I have to go on my knees.
For the next game we had to get in groups we got an animaal our animal was a pig we had to say a chase phrase out chase phrase was called piggy piggy onk onk piggy piggy onk onk onk.
I learned how to play games .
How I learned by having fun.
kiwi can
Monday, November 4, 2019
L.I To Identify the structure of a Narrative.
This week for write we had learn about the structure of a Narrative. The Structure of a Narrative is topes.
We had a practice we had to read a story called the kite we had to find out the topes.
A Narrative is a story telling.
Topes stands for
I learned what the structure of a narrative is.
This is WIP.
This week for write we had learn about the structure of a Narrative. The Structure of a Narrative is topes.
We had a practice we had to read a story called the kite we had to find out the topes.
A Narrative is a story telling.
Topes stands for
I learned what the structure of a narrative is.
This is WIP.
Writing/Topes Narrative
Friday, November 1, 2019
L.I To comment on somebody work and give them feedback.
I really like reading Juel Blog post about Rohal Dial.I learn new facts and new information about Rohal Dahl.
I really like reading Juel Blog post about Rohal Dial.I learn new facts and new information about Rohal Dahl.
Basic facts
L.I To remember my basic facts boxes.
For basic facts boxes I started with my speed demon up to 10 because we just got pass the holidays.
I have got 7 wrong which means I need to learn-my addiction more in the holidays and every week so I can get better and better.
This task was bit difficult for me but next time I try and get less.
I learned by not giving up.
How I learned by if I get one wrong just pass.
For basic facts boxes I started with my speed demon up to 10 because we just got pass the holidays.
I have got 7 wrong which means I need to learn-my addiction more in the holidays and every week so I can get better and better.
This task was bit difficult for me but next time I try and get less.
I learned by not giving up.
How I learned by if I get one wrong just pass.
SSR Selfie/100 facts plant life
L.I To find out and learn more about the book.
The Book I would be using for SSR Selfie is 100 facts(plant Life) I got this book because I want to learn more facts and information about 100 facts(Plant life). One Fact Brazil is named after a tree.
I learned more facts and new things about plants.
How I learned by reading and finding out if the facts is a lie or a truth. I also had fun reading this book.
The Book I would be using for SSR Selfie is 100 facts(plant Life) I got this book because I want to learn more facts and information about 100 facts(Plant life). One Fact Brazil is named after a tree.
I learned more facts and new things about plants.
How I learned by reading and finding out if the facts is a lie or a truth. I also had fun reading this book.
Rohal Dahl/Research about the Author,
L.I To Pick one task every week.
I picked the task about Rohal Dahl I had to find some new information and new facts about Rohal Dahl as example I learned that Rohal Dahl has wrote at least 34 books My favortive book is the witches.
Rohal Dahl
I learn new things and new facts about Rohal Dahl.
How I learned by find websites about Rohal Dahl.
Maths/Maths Word problems.
L.I To find more than one strages.
Our teacher put two questions on the whiteboard.
There questions were Alayah had 75 pens She destroyed 29 of them how many pens doe she have left.
Alayha had 5 pizza and no friends to share it with. Each pizza has 8 pices How many pieces are there altogether.
I learned how to solve the questions.
How I learned by using stargyes that I learned in past few weeks.
Maths/Maths Word problems.
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