I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, August 31, 2018
prototec maths thoday Iwas learning my 2 and 2x are like adding and we have to pratse and pratise so that for maths when we are learning how 2 you are the only on ethat knows how to coun 2x time tables and 2x3=6 so if you press on the link it shows you witch one really want to do.
Pedestrian planning
This week we were learning about traffic lights,rounder bouts and predestine crossing we had to write are information about them and then when you fishes we had to make are video and you have to say what we write and we had to make good photo and when we fished making the video we had to blog it and if you want to check it out here it is
If you look at this slide it will have are vidoe and it will tell you what we said and we were were working on.
If you look at this slide it will have are vidoe and it will tell you what we said and we were were working on.
The Legend of Rahi
This week for reading we were learning about the legend of Rahi and then when we had to go to the floor we had to get are book to lean on so that it will not poke under and you will need are pencil to write so when we were at the mat we had to draw the story but someone has to read it and then draw it so that your drawing can be told and without looking at the book and there was 6 box to draw . when we fished drawing in the 6 boxers we had to find are another vreson of the legend Rahi
Today I had to find the answers from the book.
here is the questions.
what is the legend about? = The Legend is about Rahi wife got token from Patupaiaerhe there re the fairs.
what do you learn from the legend? = what I learn from the legend is that Rahi came and save his wife.
what can we learn from the Myth? what I learned from the Myth to not take people without telling them
how do these story pass from one to another= because I think That our draw tell as what happen in the story without reading it.
how does your visualization different from another group. I Think that people can tell my story because It tells you that where she was found.
why is this important? why is this Important because it help you and it show them whew to do good things and to not take people without telling them
Today I had to find the answers from the book.
here is the questions.
what is the legend about? = The Legend is about Rahi wife got token from Patupaiaerhe there re the fairs.
what do you learn from the legend? = what I learn from the legend is that Rahi came and save his wife.
what can we learn from the Myth? what I learned from the Myth to not take people without telling them
how do these story pass from one to another= because I think That our draw tell as what happen in the story without reading it.
how does your visualization different from another group. I Think that people can tell my story because It tells you that where she was found.
why is this important? why is this Important because it help you and it show them whew to do good things and to not take people without telling them
reading the legend of rahi
Thursday, August 30, 2018
On Thursday we went out for swimming when we got there they told us that we have to wear are life jacket we had to wear are life jacket that is tight and that could fit you and I found mine it was tight and it could fit me then they told us that to sit down on the platform getting ready to get into the water.and they told us to stand up so we are going one by one in to the pools but you have to parented that the water is are wall and you are going to step into it but then you fall into it so then I started and I went first and what I felt is that I was going to die.
Ont he next round we had were talking about why we put our hand on our heart and we answer I said that because our thort next to and you might die when we finished we had to make are tangle and so that we ha hold why we made are tangle is that we parented that we hare reacsue someone and that we can swim on our back so then we stared I had to hold that life jacket and the person at the back has to home me but swimming on the back.
when we finished doing the tangle we had to make are circle and when 2 people has to be in in it the middle of the circle and we had to put our nee at the top over the water but we are not allowed to put our foot on top of the water .
Next we had to see if we could swim in our back but or nee is on top of the water so then my swimming teacher told me to lie down on you back and put our nee on top of the water an I did and it work after that er had to swim to the other wall but are race and we all stared and I was 1st and there were other people that and when we got the wall he told us we had to to swim to the other side but swimming on you back and when we got we had to swim back after that to get up make are line and the you come up and take are shower with the life jacket on and and your swimming togs and when we done they told us that we had to go and get change but do not run.
kiwi sport,
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
counting 1 to 100
Today we were learning how to count to 100 by using an abacus and when you know how to count to 100 without getting help then you have to do a video and tand say the numbers loud and move the beads to the side and on the next slide it will show you are video of me counting to 100 without getting help and moving the beads to the side.
This video is about counting and moving but we will need are abucs and if you watch this video and you an abacus you can try at home or school anywhere you like and if you practice you might get use to it and you do not need help to count to 100
kiwi can
Today for kiwi can we were learning about asking people for help without getting
shy or scared and problem solving is if there are fight you up there and stop the fight,
shy or scared and problem solving is if there are fight you up there and stop the fight,
we played two games called Emergency and man doge ball the first game we played
was Emergency and how we played this game was that we had to go on to the other
side and without lodging so if my partner was Fau and she was on the hoop in front
was Emergency and how we played this game was that we had to go on to the other
side and without lodging so if my partner was Fau and she was on the hoop in front
of me we both have to do rock paper shoot and who ever win and carry and who ever
lose has to go back and wait in the line and we did realised and and we have to see who
ever won.
Our last game was called man doge ball and the game is that we had to be in 1,2,3,4 and I was number 2 and if our kiwi can leaders teacher say number 3 then that number had to go up and the rest has to very and roll the ball make the ball touch so that they are out.ever won.
What we learned
We learned is that do not be shy or scared and to make sure that you solve the problem.
kiwi can
sunrise and sunset structures
This week we were learning about sunset and sunrise and we could pick a photo that is are sunset or sunrise and we could just imangen are photo so I picked Imagining because I did not want to copy there and when we fished we had to find are picture of the city and when we fished picking are photo we have to copy and paste on the google drawings when you fished you have to get the shapes and go on top of it so that when you take take the background it will still look like the city we had to put in black when we fished that we had to out in folder so that our teacher Mr wong could print it and when we fished we had to go on the map and start listening to him and he said if you are fished stay here if you are not fished off your work I finished mine work and I had to stay on the mat so what he told is that when you come up you get are black papa and then you have Descartes the background because the city is black and if you put it on the black paper you can not see it so then I want and fished mine and after lunch time I finished mine so then we get our city and glue it on and here is and example the photo show you how I did mine.
Friday, August 24, 2018
time tables
L.I Learning my timetables
Today I was learning my 10 timetables.we went on transom because it had timetables on it and then I pick my 10 timetables and it said to begin and I pres on and on it told me what is 6 x 10 and I had o write the answer down on the transom text box and the when I have the answer and then there is are button and if you get it wrong that mean something comes to and say that the answer wrong and then you could go back and fix it and here is the link to the website time tables
Today I was learning my 10 timetables.we went on transom because it had timetables on it and then I pick my 10 timetables and it said to begin and I pres on and on it told me what is 6 x 10 and I had o write the answer down on the transom text box and the when I have the answer and then there is are button and if you get it wrong that mean something comes to and say that the answer wrong and then you could go back and fix it and here is the link to the website time tables
Thursday, August 23, 2018
This week I was learning how to measure and we were measuring the area of the rectangles and the rectangles and the rectangle were called mini golf and on the rectangles it show you the answer but it do not shows you what is are the area and we had to find the area and on the photo it shows you the area and the timetables and addtion
L.I to comment on other people blog.
This week I think that suila is comment blogger I picked her blog post and about that blog post she was talking about what happen in kiwi sport and for kiwi sport is swimming
This week I think that suila is comment blogger I picked her blog post and about that blog post she was talking about what happen in kiwi sport and for kiwi sport is swimming
Narrative August
Narrative August
This week there was a boy and two girls the two girls name was called bat girl
and wonder woman and the boy name was called pikachu and on Saturday
pikachu mum told him please to go shopping for her.
and wonder woman and the boy name was called pikachu and on Saturday
pikachu mum told him please to go shopping for her.
And pikachu went and told her sure I could do your shopping for you
now so he went on his car and drove down to the the shops. He got out
of his car and he went to countdown.
now so he went on his car and drove down to the the shops. He got out
of his car and he went to countdown.
And when he went inside he went to bye all the stuff that his mum told
him to bye and when he got out of the market but he could not find food
for his mum.
him to bye and when he got out of the market but he could not find food
for his mum.
When he went outside are evil girl name bat girl came and said that she
knows where you could find food but pikachu said can you show me please
because I do not know where it is and batgirl she said sure I could show you
pikachu followed but batgirl did not take him to where you could find food evil
girl made are trap and when pikachu touched the wall he got trapped.
knows where you could find food but pikachu said can you show me please
because I do not know where it is and batgirl she said sure I could show you
pikachu followed but batgirl did not take him to where you could find food evil
girl made are trap and when pikachu touched the wall he got trapped.
And 5 hours later he woke up and was wondering where was he and he
yelled for help but batgirl came out and said why are you yelling and
pikachu tried his powers but id did not work so then he said you were
lying to me and you were the one that took my powers.
yelled for help but batgirl came out and said why are you yelling and
pikachu tried his powers but id did not work so then he said you were
lying to me and you were the one that took my powers.
And he said wonder woman can you help me please! And wonder
woman herd that so the she fly all the way to batgirl
place and she asked pikachu why are you in are trap? She said but
pikachu said I will tell you later find the magic key she found it and took
pikachu out and pikachu said wait my powers what your powers said
wonder woman I will help you found it and pikachu found.
woman herd that so the she fly all the way to batgirl
place and she asked pikachu why are you in are trap? She said but
pikachu said I will tell you later find the magic key she found it and took
pikachu out and pikachu said wait my powers what your powers said
wonder woman I will help you found it and pikachu found.
And they went and put it on pikachu and when pikachu
woke up he said that thanks you wonder woman
and he tried his powers and it worked and then
he went to get my food for my mum and pikachu
took wonder woman to his place to have dinner when
evil girl woke up she went to the trap pres on the wall
and then she got traped and she yelled
out lond that she is going to get you back pikachu
and wonder woman.
woke up he said that thanks you wonder woman
and he tried his powers and it worked and then
he went to get my food for my mum and pikachu
took wonder woman to his place to have dinner when
evil girl woke up she went to the trap pres on the wall
and then she got traped and she yelled
out lond that she is going to get you back pikachu
and wonder woman.
And pikachu and wonder was laughing when she yelled and that
And when they finished eating they went to bat girl and stole
her power and went and hidden her powers they put her powers in the
rubbish bin and people a away walking pass bat girl well she is are sleep and
there was a man that found bat-girls powers and went and took to wonder
woman and wonder woman said that should be in the rubbish bin and this is the
end of the story.
her power and went and hidden her powers they put her powers in the
rubbish bin and people a away walking pass bat girl well she is are sleep and
there was a man that found bat-girls powers and went and took to wonder
woman and wonder woman said that should be in the rubbish bin and this is the
end of the story.
.L.I To write a narrative story
This week for writing we were learning about are story on Tuesday we had to write are long story but we have to see how much we could write in 40 minters and this how much I write and this story is about bat girl the evil and the 2 other people are good if you read this story you might get butter at writing because I think that this story is are really good story .
Today for swimming we were learning how to recuse people and first when we got there we had to sit on the ground and the swimming teachers said that we are going to be in partners and I was with sakina and when we fished doing that they said that we have to go so one person has to be in the pool and the other person has to be out of the pool so sakina when in the pool and sakina need help so the we got are noodle and then we have to make them hold on it and when they hold on it I have to bring them out of the pool and when we fished doing that we had to soup and when we fished doing that we had to go to the other side and at the other side we had to look what they use when someone is drawnning and that we had are rope and we have to hold the rope and stand on the rope and you have to throw it faraway so that they person that is darning and we have to make sure that we are pretend that we are draining and we had to be in 3 and when we fished doing that we had to listen to them and they said that we need to go because we got are another group.
Today I was learning how to type and LS1 teacher told us if you go on the website you might get butter with typing and when you fished tapering you go into level 2 and when you finished level 2 you carry on and now I am kinder of butter in my type ring because I away practice and that is are google thing because eyou can get butter.
Today we were leaning about question but we had to go on razz kids and razz kids is about you get high to the z and we could do activity and we had to find are spot to re-could but the main thing we had to do was that we had to read the story and then we have to re could it and our teacher has to listen to is that it could make sentience and that it has the problem and the setting and and when we fished doing that we had to to talk about what happen in the story and well we are recould it when we fished we have to press next and then it takes me to questing and we had to get the answer that belong to the questing and when we fished doing that we have to press done and then it say the we get 300 stairs that is for reading
Today for inquiry we were learning about foundation and footing foundation is are part of are structure and and footing is the hole thing about are structure and we made 6 slides and and the 6 slide is about are structures and we had to write about them and draw them here is and example: This is the 6 slide and if you look at the slide you might get what I am talking about and these slide tells about what is are tsutres and other things that are in are structures
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
sky city
Today My class went to the city why we went there it because we wanted to check out about structure and we went inside the sky city and we had to be into group A and group b so I was in group a and out teacher that took us was called crew and he told us to follow him so then we follow down into the stairs and when we fished going down from the stairs we went to a shop and we had to sit on the chairs or floor and I sat on the floor we watched videos about when they were built and how tall is and when it was built it was built in 1994 and how tall it was it was 220 m and we had to learn more about the sky tower and when we finish we had to do the 10 top questions and if we get them all right you get are prize and we all did but the winner was chis is was the one that got all the question right and when we fished doing that crew had to go and see if we can go on the lift and he came back and told us we can go on the lift and when we finished doing that we walked to the door and are woman came and told us that we have to take a photo and we had to take 3 photos and we took 3 photo the boys and to sit in front of the girls and the girls have to stand up and we said chews and when we fished doing that we had to follow crew into the elevator and it takes 40 second to get to the top of the sky tower and we could see the building and we had are peace of paper we had to had to go to my teacher called Mr Wong he told us that we have to be in 7 groups and you are going with are teacher and I was with kitty she helped us find the answer and it was really scary up there because there were huge windows and you could see the Auckland harbor bridge and you could people working and building and we need the windows so that we could find the answer for the paper and we have to see if it is correct or wrong and when we finished doing that we went into the stairs and crew told us that there 1,103 stairs so then we had to go down and we went in are space where you could be safe and sound and when we finished doing that we had to go into the lift back down where we were before and when we got there I had to go back that is the end of the trip.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Today for inquary I was learning to find the answers and and we had to put it into this google map if you cheack out my google maps you have press on the clolcful things and it will give you information about the bridge
Exciting descripcetion
L.I to write are an interesting directions for charters and setting
This week for writing I was learning about boring and fun on the google draw it shows boring and fun on the right side it shows fun stuff but on the left it shown boring stuff so we are trying to to boring into fun stuff and we had to see if it is exciting and fun well this is my work.
This week for writing I was learning about boring and fun on the google draw it shows boring and fun on the right side it shows fun stuff but on the left it shown boring stuff so we are trying to to boring into fun stuff and we had to see if it is exciting and fun well this is my work.
measuring rectagles
L.I to calautate area of shapes using miutpication and addition
Today for math we were learning how to use and I was learning how to measure it and we hadto make are poster but I think that so I am going to do are slide and on this slide it has what I learn and what we need to measure.
Today for reading I was learning how to find answers and and write questions pasific so we had topick are topic that we did not know about so the I picked nuine dance and we had to use the 5 ws and we had to write the question with the 5 ws but the then we had to do 6 and we had to find the answer from the google seach and write it down on the google draws and when we finshed writeing the answer and we could write where we found the asnswer and put thelink of the website into the google seach
Friday, August 10, 2018
L.I to try to comment on other people blog.
This week I picked Nicole for commenting because she did two bridges from new Zealand and one from out of new Zealand so I think that she has done are very good job. and go and check out her work
This week I picked Nicole for commenting because she did two bridges from new Zealand and one from out of new Zealand so I think that she has done are very good job. and go and check out her work
This vs that
This week for Inquiry we were learning about bridges our teacher Mr wong did one for us but we had to just find the answers for it so we did panmure bridge vs Auckland harbor bridge we had to find the year that it was billed and and find out the hight the length and the spain the other questing are cost and mrestails we had to find the answer on are website or on the google and when we fins the aswers we have to came and sit on the mat and see if our answer were correct so when we finshed doing that we had to do are other bridge but we had to do not our teacher and we picked graftort bridge andhelix bridge we had todo one bridge that is not in new zealand and we had to 2 thatis in new zealand.
This VS That
setting plannning
L.I to plan are narrative
Today for writing we were working on how to plan are narrative but that is are setting and I showed you guys my narrative panning and my seeing the hunted house so the I had to use that setting and we have to see if that people can image it so we use the 5w but we only use 3 the 3 ws that we used was where,when what is it like we had to use those 3w so that we can i mange what these the hunted house look like and these other things and for the last slide was what can you see what can you taste what can you hear what can we touch.
Today for writing we were working on how to plan are narrative but that is are setting and I showed you guys my narrative panning and my seeing the hunted house so the I had to use that setting and we have to see if that people can image it so we use the 5w but we only use 3 the 3 ws that we used was where,when what is it like we had to use those 3w so that we can i mange what these the hunted house look like and these other things and for the last slide was what can you see what can you taste what can you hear what can we touch.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
L.I to find skils from our teacher
Today for swimming we were learning about hypothermia and hypothermia hypothermia means that it is really clod and hypothermia means that it is really how why we were talking about this before we were going into pools is that and our school Teacher said that we put the water that is going inside the pools can be cold and hot and we away put it cold but when you guys came inside the pool it can be warm sometime clod but the most important thing was that if someone is clod that means you need to help them change them take there for the and shower them make the shower warm so that they will not feel sick and when we fished taking about what is hypothermia and hypothermia they said to go to the groups that you were in last week so I went to my swimming teacher called James he said we are going to start with stream line so you have to put your arm be side your ears and start swimming to the other platform so then kaitlyn started first and she did really well then it ears my turn so then I put my arms behind my ears and stared swimming and I went to the other side and stand on the platform and now were are going to swimming on our backs and see who is the best But I could not do it so then he said that every one did well so I think every one is the best so then he said you need to swim on your belly for 6 seconds and turn around and swimming on your back for 6 seconds and then carry on and try and do that to the other flatworm and now we had to wait for james so when he come and he said that we need to stared learning does things so now we are going to swim like are dolphin and so then we did it and every one had to do it for are and we had to swimm down but Our feet has to be on top of the water are and we had to test one more time on the stream line and he said that hive five me and swim to the other side and get out of the polols and stared geeting changed and we all did it.
Today for swimming we were learning about hypothermia and hypothermia hypothermia means that it is really clod and hypothermia means that it is really how why we were talking about this before we were going into pools is that and our school Teacher said that we put the water that is going inside the pools can be cold and hot and we away put it cold but when you guys came inside the pool it can be warm sometime clod but the most important thing was that if someone is clod that means you need to help them change them take there for the and shower them make the shower warm so that they will not feel sick and when we fished taking about what is hypothermia and hypothermia they said to go to the groups that you were in last week so I went to my swimming teacher called James he said we are going to start with stream line so you have to put your arm be side your ears and start swimming to the other platform so then kaitlyn started first and she did really well then it ears my turn so then I put my arms behind my ears and stared swimming and I went to the other side and stand on the platform and now were are going to swimming on our backs and see who is the best But I could not do it so then he said that every one did well so I think every one is the best so then he said you need to swim on your belly for 6 seconds and turn around and swimming on your back for 6 seconds and then carry on and try and do that to the other flatworm and now we had to wait for james so when he come and he said that we need to stared learning does things so now we are going to swim like are dolphin and so then we did it and every one had to do it for are and we had to swimm down but Our feet has to be on top of the water are and we had to test one more time on the stream line and he said that hive five me and swim to the other side and get out of the polols and stared geeting changed and we all did it.
kiwi sport,
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
what is media
L.I To Identify the purpose of the information pressing media.
LI:To understand made for purpose
Today for cybersmart I was learning what is the propose and we had to find words that belong to the photo that we need to do so I took are photo of family and frend and I took are photo of school and we had to write some words that belong to the photo and if you watch the slide you might seewht I am talking about.
kiwi can
L.I so galo setting and realice
For Our 2 game otapus was that the had to be are hula hoop in the middle and
has to stand
on and they have to put people at the side so I was at one of the side and the side I wa
s in was only grils that side was only boys abd the grils have to try and get to the other
side without geeting touch.
has to stand
on and they have to put people at the side so I was at one of the side and the side I wa
s in was only grils that side was only boys abd the grils have to try and get to the other
side without geeting touch.
I learned about not to give up and aways reaber your galo setting.
For Our 2 game otapus was that the had to be are hula hoop in the middle and
someone has to stand on and they have to put people at the side so I was at one of the
side and the side I was in was only grils that side was only boys abd the grils have
to try and get to the other side
without geeting
someone has to stand on and they have to put people at the side so I was at one of the
side and the side I was in was only grils that side was only boys abd the grils have
to try and get to the other side
without geeting
I learned about not to give up and aways reamber your galo setting.
kiwi can
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
L.I to understand diffrent kind of questions
This week for reading I was learning about question and last week we had to just write questing and my teacher is going to print it and then we have to glue the questions so that we can understand so like this photos show and how you should do it and right there and are think search is from the book but we could not use the book of this Activity and for author and me and on my ownis not from the book it is from you head or brain
how to measure rectagles with timetables
L.I to measure rectangles by using unit squaers and time tables
This week for math I was learning how to measure are rectangle with time tables and what we only need is are paper that has rectangles and are pencil that is all what we need and we had to measure it and like if a measure the length it is 4 for me and the bottom of the rectangle is 7 so 4 x7 = ?
So the answer of 4x7=28 that is are easy way to find out and know you timetables
Friday, August 3, 2018
pixel art
L.I to try and do pixel art
Today for pixel art I was learning how to do it and I love doing it so then I picked love heart and this photo show you how I did it is that there a squealers on it and i can flowed the squealers and when we finished doing it you can colored it but if you do not want to clolored it is find because I did not clolr it ok
Today for pixel art I was learning how to do it and I love doing it so then I picked love heart and this photo show you how I did it is that there a squealers on it and i can flowed the squealers and when we finished doing it you can colored it but if you do not want to clolored it is find because I did not clolr it ok
pixel art
today for commenting I went trow people blog so then I picked charlize because she had stared with are capital letter and end with are full stop she has two photo on her blog post and just rember you can go on her blog comment on it.
strustrue and panmure bridge
L.I to find out what are structure and to search about panmure bridge
Today for Inquiry we were learning about structure and we had to work in 3 groups but I worked in 4 groups. And our structure is panmure bridge we were learning escape of thing about bridges 1st our teacher put paper on the table of photo on it and what we have to write what Is see what I wonder and what I think and we had to fished did slide before the end of the week this slide is all about searching and see you well get the changes right My groups think that we have fished our slide and that we think that we got Our changes right
Today for Inquiry we were learning about structure and we had to work in 3 groups but I worked in 4 groups. And our structure is panmure bridge we were learning escape of thing about bridges 1st our teacher put paper on the table of photo on it and what we have to write what Is see what I wonder and what I think and we had to fished did slide before the end of the week this slide is all about searching and see you well get the changes right My groups think that we have fished our slide and that we think that we got Our changes right
panmure bridge,
Thursday, August 2, 2018
L.I to plan are narrative
Today for writing we had to do are plan this slide because we had to do a narrative about our characters. First we we learning about Appearance,Personality and the last thing was Experiences so Appearance mean what do they look like and personality mean what do they behave like and are there nice.
And what does Experiences means where do they live do they have and hobbies do they have any secret. for the second slide we had to write the answers of what do they look like.
L.t to compare and measure of surfaces by counting unit squares
Today for math we were learning how to measure are rectangle and on this google drawing sheet i was showing you how to measuring a rectangle and I am showing you photo so that you can get the point of it
L.I To learn skills from teacher.
Today for kiwi sport we went swimming and for swimming we were testing how to swim first we stared with swimming to the other side but one by one and when I fished swimming to the other side I just had to wait for other people to finish and when we fished swimming to the other side. we had to do swimming in the hula hoop well it is under the pool so I stared 1st then I went I tried to not touch the hula hoop and then other people stared to go under the hula hoop and they did it.
when we were finished doing the hula hoop challenge we had to see if we can swim under the water to the bottom of the floor and stared doing it but I could not do so then I tried and I did it.
we did was try to spin around well we were swimming and the last thing we did was trying to clap our teacher hands and then swim to the other side and get out of the pool .
kiwi sport,
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
kiwi can
Today at kiwi can we learned how to use goal setting and resilience and why we were learning goal setting because so that what you really want can be true. The 1st game we played was called tag snatch kiwi can told us the rules and and the rules were if your tag come out you are out and you have to go and sit in the side with your teacher if someone also take it off you are out.
When we played ball trouble kiwi can told us that we need to be in pertness so then I was with Alzai and we ha to be in groups so we had to make are line and he said we have to back to back with the ball and then go touch the wall at the other side and then go back before the other team win.
kwi can goal resilience
L.I To I dentfy purpose of information presented in media
L.I to understand that media is made for purpose.
Today for cybersmart we were learning what is media and today i had to take to pgotos one for my blog and one of my frends and family. when we finshed doing that we had to try and put some words and in the slide and put in into the the word cloud if you see this slide you might get the piont of it.
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