
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Summer learning journey/picture.

L.I to pick a picture from the summer learning journey and have to write  10 or 8 sentries long and I had to pick 5 or more opinion and at the end there is my real answer.
Today This picture look like to me that this person  is new to that place and where she lives in near the town I also think she took a picture of it cause it might her last time being in that country I think she took a photo of to send it to her family or might send it to her friends I think she is a teacher and she send a photo of her standing on the wall and taking a picture I think she did this picture so that when her brother or sister come there they might take a picture like her and send to her they all can  write something about what they did and what happen. 

I think the real answer to me is I think she leaving the town I hope the people that work  from summer learning journey
 comment on my blog if I have the answer was correct. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Summer learning journey/witch name I think is the best

L.I Is to list 5 names for this pool.
Today I am finding information about this pool and to find our the name that people call it I hope you enjoy. And my family also wanted to do.

  1. So the first name and Evan the name that it was born or made is the devil pool I think I know why the pool is called devil pool because the water is green and that it is scary around the water. 

 2. what I will name it green water path I name it that because IT green and there is a path around it so I hope you like the name that I picked.

3 My brother will name the pool little wave water he picked because he love waves and he sometime love the water he away go with his aunt if they a going pool or doing something spacial. witch there names are Taua and Vaingola.# THIS IS MY FAVORITE BECAUSE I LIKE HOW IT CALLED LITTLE WAVE AND HOW THEY NAME IT THAT BECAUSE IT THEY FAVORITE THING TO DO.

4. My Mum{Anau} she told me that she will name the pool green eggs because she likes eggs and she read a book called green eggs and bacon.

5. My DAD{Inoke} he will name the pool the Grinch because like to watch the Grinch movies and sometime go on his laptop and aways like to find out what happing with the earth he like to see the grass.

Summer learning journey/Planes, Trains and Automobiles

L.I I had to pick witch of these 3 witch is Planes, Trains and Automobiles and on my blurb I be telling you what I would pick. and why I did not pick the others.

Today I picked a boat because I think on a boat you can touch the water and that you can see the nature and eat welling you a looking at the nature and I think my family will pick a boat because we all love to go on a boat.

Why I did not picked planes. I did not picked that because Me and my family a scared of highers so that why we picked a boat.

I did not picked walking because I knew I my cut sand on rock and have score legs i do not really like to climb tree so I do not like to climb.

Image result for walking on mountain

Image result for planes
Image result for boat

Summer Learning journey/The Midnight Zone

L.I To find answer for this math.
Today I think I might find the answer and I hope the people comment o my blog to tell me the correct answer or my answer might  be wrong .


Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Summer learning journey/A Local Delicacy

L.I TO write the ingredient that you need to make your favorite food  and the
Today I picked pie because I love to eat I will be finding how to make this pie so if  you do not know how to make pies he is one that you might.

  1. The first thing that you will need to do is that you have to preheat your own oven to 180 deegers C.                                                                                                                                                 
  2.  now you will have to be genteel so you will have to get 2 patty cakes pans witch means [12 cup] with a spray that you cook with and some butter.                                                                               
  3. you will need bowl inside the bowl mix the eggs, bacon, onion, cheese, salt, pepper, cream and parsley and then you will need a folk to mix it all.                                                                          
  4. the next thing you will need is to use a egg ring or if you do not have that then you could also use a parsty butter and then you will need to cut  circle's out of the defrosted puff pastry and place into the greased in a patty cake try.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
  5.  you will need to get spoon and then mix the mixture into the parsle.

      6.bake it until it is 20 minters or 15 minter until it get Golden brown

        7. plate up and eat.

Summer learning journey/ night owl vs early riser

L.I Wearer I want to be a night owl or a early riser.
I Would want to be a a early riser because I have to wake up early to get ready to go to school on the weekends I get up early to make me breakfast and to do out shopping with my family on Sunday we go to church.

About my family.
I think my family will be a early riser because my aunt wants go to work at 6.00 also has my dad sometime my other aunts has to wake early to wake up the kids make them get ready for school.Image result for early riser