
Monday, May 4, 2020

Haiku / Trees / Mountains / Reading

L.I To learn how to write a Haiku and what is a Haiku.

This task is about learning what is a Haiku and How to write a Haiku. I worked with Afatia on this task. This task was really interesting because I learned new facts and information. We both deiced to do Trees and Mountains. The most interesting facts I learned was that the first sentience is a 7 syllable then a 5 syllable Sentience an another 5.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liletina,

    I loved reading your Haiku's! They are very fascinating and they paint a clear image! I liked how you added images so we can have a better image in our head and how you had attributed your images! Maybe try to explain what a syllable is, so that it can be easier for others who come across your blog post to understand what it is.

    What was your favourite line from the haiku?

    Well Done!

    - Sulia
