I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, September 28, 2018
Today i wa sitt learning my 2 time tables because if I was in are test on my 2 time tables we have to know it quick and i was learning 2 x 4 =? so then i figer out what the anwer for it so then i staeted to partise on my 2 time tables and know when i in are test i will say the answer quick here i the for 2 x 4 = 8
Today I was learning how to ketboeding because when we get your own netbook you might have to learning how to use you cromebook before learning how to keybording so i was learning how to keybording with only using 2 hands and it was kind of tricky here is are phoo
t of how I was learning
t of how I was learning
today for netball we went play netball when we got to the place were playing we first plyed tamaki parimy and we lost for our 2 game we lost again the pinots was 1 to 0 and 3 game we lost again for our 4 game we lost and for our 5 game we won because when we got to the cort the team was not there so we have to wait for 5 minter and if they not here then we win for 2 game we palyed pt egland and we lost and when we finshed playing we played stoneflide and we lost again for our last game we played stone flides blue we won we had 1 they had 0
building tunnel
Today we were building a tunnel with only using straws
sprightly and tape and rubbe bins so here is are photo of it and we had to finished and when we finsed building or tunnel we had to wrap it up so that the sand will not get inside the tunnel and we had to test to see if our teacher mini car could seave going under it so we had to make are plan first so that when we test it does not claped.
sprightly and tape and rubbe bins so here is are photo of it and we had to finished and when we finsed building or tunnel we had to wrap it up so that the sand will not get inside the tunnel and we had to test to see if our teacher mini car could seave going under it so we had to make are plan first so that when we test it does not claped.
reading notes
Today for reading we were our teacher told us are story about 3 good and The story was about 3 gods and one of them love making jokes and second one is are smart man he is smart at maths and our last one Dolos he is the one that is snacky sometimes he will never ever listen to people. In the story one god that was smart and his name is called Pythagora and he was not trustworthy he had to think to see if the people were telling the truth and then he made are cup for the people to drink out of it but there was are golden line and if the people fill up the water above the golden line the water start coming down from the bottom of the cup and then Dolos came and said that he does not care so the he fill up the water above the golden line and then the water start coming down from under the golden line
and then this slide we had to write in it what happan before reading the story and the we had to write during reading and the after reading it and before reading was prediction and questiong and during reading we had to write all about making connection and making connection is the text in the story like if the was about rugby and you play rugby that means that it is making connections and the last one was afther reading we had to draw them and then we had to do are summaring sumring we had to write are story but with only using word that is are key word
Thursday, September 27, 2018
procure planer
L.I to write are produce text. Today we were
learning about procure and this google doc show
you how to tie your shoes and this google doc is all about
steps and and if you do not know how to tie your shoes and if
you take are look at my google doc you might get to know how
to tie your shoes we had to make this pacific and we had to make the
present fuse so that people will get to know what we are talking
about and this google doc
is are
learning about procure and this google doc show
you how to tie your shoes and this google doc is all about
steps and and if you do not know how to tie your shoes and if
you take are look at my google doc you might get to know how
to tie your shoes we had to make this pacific and we had to make the
present fuse so that people will get to know what we are talking
about and this google doc
is are
Start writing here!
Start writing here!
How to tie your shoes
End Result
When you finished tying your laces that means that you will not get hurt our fell down.
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Materials List
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Pictures and
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2. Pick up both of you shoe laces.
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3. Then you have to switch the laces to the other side with both laces
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4 Then put one under the other lace and pull both of the laces tight
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5 .After this make two bunny ears with laces and pull
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6 . Then switch the right lace to the left side and then switch the left laces on to the right side.
7 Once you have done this, get one of the laces and bring under a hole that you will see.
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8 Then you have to pull it tight so that when you are running you do not have to do your laces over and over again.
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9 And you have finished tying your shoes so that means that you will not fell over.
Division Animation
Today for maths we we were learning our division maths and we had to make are slide about what is are division with a animation and and here is are side that I made to give you an example as what is division and how you could work out the answer for division.
L.Ito be safe in the water.
Today was our ast day of swimming we we had to do are roll and when our siwmming teacher says our name and then we could get inside the pool and then we had to go to the platform and we had steamline and then we hadto swim to the 2 platform.
when we fished we had to swimm agin anf agin so that we could get butter at it swhen we finshed we had to swim on our backs and trun around and the swim on your bell and then trun around when we finshed we had to be in partnerrs and one preson has to be in front and your other partner has to beat the back of you so this is kind of are race but differnt.
so the preson at the bcak has to kick and the preson in the front has to run and we did so then we had to do it again and then we did and we won it so then for our 2 to last game we had to get our nodle and then we had to jump on it and we have to bonce tothe other side when wefinshed we had to half five our swimming teacher and then we had to get out of the pool and I said thank you for helping me be safe in the pool and meking me how to learn to swim
Today was our ast day of swimming we we had to do are roll and when our siwmming teacher says our name and then we could get inside the pool and then we had to go to the platform and we had steamline and then we hadto swim to the 2 platform.
when we fished we had to swimm agin anf agin so that we could get butter at it swhen we finshed we had to swim on our backs and trun around and the swim on your bell and then trun around when we finshed we had to be in partnerrs and one preson has to be in front and your other partner has to beat the back of you so this is kind of are race but differnt.
so the preson at the bcak has to kick and the preson in the front has to run and we did so then we had to do it again and then we did and we won it so then for our 2 to last game we had to get our nodle and then we had to jump on it and we have to bonce tothe other side when wefinshed we had to half five our swimming teacher and then we had to get out of the pool and I said thank you for helping me be safe in the pool and meking me how to learn to swim
kiwi sport,
Friday, September 21, 2018
Today we were learning about tunnels and this google maps show you tunnels that are fomours around the world and here is are gogle drawing we had to write information about tunnels how tunnels work and our teacher gave us 3 website
of information that we could see what is tunnels and what is about tunnel why we used tunnels and we had to wrock in two and my partner is suila
Thursday, September 20, 2018
L.I learning my time tables.
Today I was learning my timetables sothat we could get good at it because for my maths group we are learning about timetables and that we are haveing are test on timetables so why I was learning my timetables so that I when we have the test I cam just say the answer fast and that I do not need help doing our time tables here is are link to the website where you guys and that you guys do not need help.
Today for swimming we were learning about swimming to the other side safely so we started of first we started of we putting our arms next to our straight then start swimming to there other side we had to do this 5 time or 6.
what we did next we had to are test is to swim to the other side swimming on you belly and the swimming backwards so you have to spin again lintel you get to the other side and when you are swimming on your belly you have to cont 1 to 5 and then spin around.
when we fished we had to swim into the hula hoop and out from the hula hoop well it is to under the water and we had to do the 3 or 2 times so that we could get butter at swimming under the hula hoop,
when we fished our swimming teacher throw a toy the we had have to swim and get it so we all did we this 1 or 2 time so that we do not need help getting the toys out of the pool.
when we fished we had to throw our own toy into the pool and then swim and try to get so we all did so that we do not have to away need help throwing.
and we fished we had to swim to the other side and we have to clap our swimming teachers hand then swim to the other side and we and we had to get outside of the pool then we had to and get change.
what we did next we had to are test is to swim to the other side swimming on you belly and the swimming backwards so you have to spin again lintel you get to the other side and when you are swimming on your belly you have to cont 1 to 5 and then spin around.
when we fished we had to swim into the hula hoop and out from the hula hoop well it is to under the water and we had to do the 3 or 2 times so that we could get butter at swimming under the hula hoop,
when we fished our swimming teacher throw a toy the we had have to swim and get it so we all did we this 1 or 2 time so that we do not need help getting the toys out of the pool.
when we fished we had to throw our own toy into the pool and then swim and try to get so we all did so that we do not have to away need help throwing.
and we fished we had to swim to the other side and we have to clap our swimming teachers hand then swim to the other side and we and we had to get outside of the pool then we had to and get change.
kiwi sport,
Today I was doing my keyboarding so that I could get butter at it with not getting help and by only using two of our hands here is the website to where you could get butter at typing keybroding and here are photo this website tell you what you could do to get butter at typing
A wife for Te Ra
l.I To visualise to comprehad the text. L.I To use Traditional methads to retell a myth
For reading we had to do the same thing has last week but we had to be like our teacher we have to tell the story that we were reading about to your partner but your partner these not know the boom so we have to stop one by one so that our partner can draw and our partners has to tell us what he read about and his story was about A wife for Te Ra and my partner is Juel and here is are phot when I fished drawing.
For reading we had to do the same thing has last week but we had to be like our teacher we have to tell the story that we were reading about to your partner but your partner these not know the boom so we have to stop one by one so that our partner can draw and our partners has to tell us what he read about and his story was about A wife for Te Ra and my partner is Juel and here is are phot when I fished drawing.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Today for maths we had to do basic maths box and we had to make are video to see what is are mutilation and here is are photo of it and it was on we had to do bevtshin and time tables here are photo of my maths for this blog post and I got some ggod but the main thing about itis if you get the answer worng it ok and here is where you could watch my vidoe or people vidoe vidoe
L.Ito identity the structures and the language features of a procedural text
Today we had to make 3 poster and we had to talk about the title the thing that you will need and we had to to write about what are step by step and here 3 of my posters and this was for writing one was for recpie and the 2 one was building and the last one is google maps and we had to talk about it so that other people can know what is are title and what thing do you need to make something or where you want to go. And this blog post is about structure
New Zealand Force vistor
on Wednesday we were learning about bombs Defenses and the last one was the challenge so our visor
is Mr ching and we could also call him Isaac he told us all what he works and what he these in his work so that so He told us all about defenses about what weapons he us to defenses and it is Turrets,landmine,camouflage and we had to do are challang and our challenge we had to be in are group of 4 and then we have to make are building and we have to try and keep the helicopter safe from the wind here are some photos.
is Mr ching and we could also call him Isaac he told us all what he works and what he these in his work so that so He told us all about defenses about what weapons he us to defenses and it is Turrets,landmine,camouflage and we had to do are challang and our challenge we had to be in are group of 4 and then we have to make are building and we have to try and keep the helicopter safe from the wind here are some photos.
kiwi can
At kiwi can we played two games called Tangle and the 2 was invaluable touch so we played tangle first so we if I was in then I have to try and tag the them when I tag one. so that we could be tangle we me so that we both could get more people to be with us are try and get the people that is not in. on 2 game we invaluable touch so we have to be in two groups and if she say 4 then 4 people has to go and if she say any umber that is how much people need to and if someone got the ball in my tram the other team has to try and get the ball off them but there is no ball we have to and make us get the try
I learned
by not get angry if you get tag and to away never give up and the last one was
to away try every time
to away try every time
Duffy Visitor
On Tuesday we had are special assembly and when we fished sing are man came up and talked bout himself and his name Michel muilpo he loves being an comic artist he loved it because when he went to school he are all the drawing in the school journal books the he stated to draw he had are slide of some the of the book that he draw or made and he told us that he wanted to try out about wrestler and he told us that he is are comic book artist and are wrestler he said that he had been are world champion ship and he told us that we was wrestling for the champion ship that I lost if i won I could show you it but he had lost then he told us all about semi pro gamer he was top 12 gamer he told us that he is not just are comic book artist or are wrestler i are gamer he loves playing game and where but he lost on the semi final gamer and them he finshed and we all clapped so then we had to hand out our book so we had to get our book from michel muilpo
Duffy vistor
Friday, September 14, 2018
This we were we had to built are road with using cardboard and straws why we did this because our teacher had toys cars so that the cars will go on the road and start driving it can not crash so we had to see if it will go so we had to built are road that will be staright and that the cars will not crash so we untill when we finshed we ad to take out said and we we had to be in 4 groups to do this activity and then when it was our trun none of the went but there was to winners the was Florence group and the other was charlize group that both had are tie
Thursday, September 13, 2018
L.I learning how to swim
Today swimming we had to do are roll test and if I call your name then hop into the pool then he said my name so then I went onto the pool with using the safe stagey and and then we had to swim and then they said that we are doing are wave challenge so what we had to do one preson to swimm and the other and has to push the wave why we were doing this so that when you in are river and there is are wave with rock you can bum into it.
what we did next was doing it over so that other people could have are turnand when we finshed we had to do one by one but the swimming teacher is going to do the wave so then we did and when we finshed this we had to get out of the pool and wait there.
when we had to go to the baby pool and they told us to make are big circle and the start running and they have to say let go then we have to let go and the flow on our back and we did this 5 times so that we could get butter at it.
when we finshed we had to get out of the baby pool go back to the big pool and we had hop in and they told us that we have to make are land they are going to throw are toy and and we haveto dive all the way to the bottom and get and dive back up this is called doplvine dive.
Today swimming we had to do are roll test and if I call your name then hop into the pool then he said my name so then I went onto the pool with using the safe stagey and and then we had to swim and then they said that we are doing are wave challenge so what we had to do one preson to swimm and the other and has to push the wave why we were doing this so that when you in are river and there is are wave with rock you can bum into it.
what we did next was doing it over so that other people could have are turnand when we finshed we had to do one by one but the swimming teacher is going to do the wave so then we did and when we finshed this we had to get out of the pool and wait there.
when we had to go to the baby pool and they told us to make are big circle and the start running and they have to say let go then we have to let go and the flow on our back and we did this 5 times so that we could get butter at it.
when we finshed we had to get out of the baby pool go back to the big pool and we had hop in and they told us that we have to make are land they are going to throw are toy and and we haveto dive all the way to the bottom and get and dive back up this is called doplvine dive.
kiwi sport,
Today I was commeting on people blog here are one of them her name is Nicole she was learning her times so that she was learning what is the time and here is are link to the here blog here is Nicole Blog post
Hinemoa and Tutankai

Today I was learning my number bonds up to 10 and to see if I can do it with out needing to get help so then I went on to the class site and look for an addition game and I found one it was called prototec. that is are link to it so that you can get batter and better at our addition and when you fished your addition the easy one then the is are another button but that takes you to and hard one and when you fished all you additions then we have to do timetables here are some photos of it
Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Today for keybording I was learning how to keyboard without needing to get help so then I started to praticse so that I could know it and that i do not need help by using and we had to use to hand so that we do not have just use our fingers the website f this game was called dancing mat and here is are link to the website keybording
Basic facts
Today for maths we were learning our addition and subration we could get it wrong so here is my google sheet of my basic facts this help to know my addition without needing to get help and if we get it wrong to ok and when we learn and learn it OK and we had to and if you get it wrong and you it ok because when you aways pratice it you learn from the mistakes
kiwi can
Learning Intention:
To no get frustrated and to be Patient and to never give up
Today for kiwi can we played to game that comes with frustrated and to be
patient when it not you your turn and the games are called building towers and our
2 game was part of addition so you have to get one had out and then you have to put
any number but using your fingers and and the other person has to do the same and
then you have to say answer before your partner get it an partner get it then he moves
on people and other people had to try and get him out.
patient when it not you your turn and the games are called building towers and our
2 game was part of addition so you have to get one had out and then you have to put
any number but using your fingers and and the other person has to do the same and
then you have to say answer before your partner get it an partner get it then he moves
on people and other people had to try and get him out.
On 2 game that was called building towers we had to had to build are tall tower and but
we had to be in are group of 4 and we had built are tall tower and if it beaks down we
are not allwoed to be Frustrated and if we do we have fail the game and we went into
group of 4 and we did but then we it was 10 seconds it brocke down and then is to be
5 4 3 2 1 then our twoer was not finshed we did nothing and the winners was the girl
well done to the girl.
we had to be in are group of 4 and we had built are tall tower and if it beaks down we
are not allwoed to be Frustrated and if we do we have fail the game and we went into
group of 4 and we did but then we it was 10 seconds it brocke down and then is to be
5 4 3 2 1 then our twoer was not finshed we did nothing and the winners was the girl
well done to the girl.
kiwi can
Rouads motorways and highways
Friday, September 7, 2018
Today I was commenting on afatia blog post her blogpost was about commenting on other people blog post and she picked slia and she told her what she need to do and what she likes abut her blog post here is are link to here blog post Afatia blog
Today I was learning my 11 timetables and why I was learning because I did not know about it so then I started to get used to it so I will give you an example 2 x 11 22 you have to just had are to and then it is 22 and if is is 3 x 11 then had are 3 so that is 33 and just carry on lintel and when fished you pratise so that you all ready know and when you do are test on your 11 you all ready know it and you do not need help.
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